Item Coversheet

Agenda Briefing
Council Meeting:  August 06, 2024

Department:  Department of Public Safety

Presenter:  Marc Rossini, Deputy Chief of Police

Review and discuss the Dallas Marathon.


The Dallas Marathon (formerly the Dallas White Rock Marathon) is the oldest marathon in Texas. This year will be the 53rd annual race. This event has grown in size and is currently a top ten marathon in the U.S. and had more than 30,000 participants last year. The Dallas Marathon operates as a non-profit organization with the primary beneficiary being the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children.  It is funded largely by the race fees, private donors and public companies used for advertising.


Highland Park has been used as part of marathon courses for almost 25 years. This has included portions of the Dallas Marathon, the Rock and Roll Marathon, and other running events. Deputy Chief Rossini has been the primary liaison for the Highland Park Dept. of Public Safety since 2015. We have had a positive working relationship with the Marathon and have facilitated many changes to the course and the events during the marathon.


Marcus Grunewald is the Executive Race Director for the Dallas Marathon, and he has held the position for more than 20 years. He is HPDPS' direct contact for all planning and coordination for the route through Highland Park. He facilitates the equipment, officer's payment, community relations and announcements, and many other duties. He will be present to represent the Dallas Marathon and to answer any questions that the Town Council may have about the marathon and the importance of its relationship with the Town of Highland Park.


Attached is the proposed route for 2024, the After-Action Report for 2023, and the planning memo to the Director of Public Safety from the DPS Marathon coordinator, which details the planning steps for DPS.


There have been no formal complaints made to DPS about the marathon. Most citizen concerns are addressed on the day of the event by off-duty officers being paid by the marathon, such as helping residents with safe routes out of blocked neighborhoods. Many residents have expressed their enjoyment of the marathon and will sit in their yards to support the runners.


HPDPS would recommend that we continue to participate with the Dallas Marathon to provide the course and security for the marathon. This event promotes the Town of Highland Park and allows residents in the area, as well as visitors; to view the Town and to continue to work well with our surrounding neighbors.  


DPS recommends the partnership with the marathon to complete the race in 2024 to prevent any undue hardships on an event that has already been planned.

The Dallas Marathon has a relatively low financial impact on the Town. The majority of the costs are manpower hours in planning and scheduling, leading up to the marathon. There are off-duty Town vehicles that are utilized and out of service for the duration of the Marathon, approximately six hours. The majority of the cost to run the Dallas Marathon in Highland Park is paid by the Marathon. Security officers maintaining posts receive checks directly to each officer, paid by the marathon. The equipment is requested by the HPDPS marathon coordinator and the equipment to block and reroute traffic is paid by the Marathon. The Cost/Benefit Analysis is attached.
File NameDescription
New_Route.jpgDallas Marathon Route and Map
Memo_Dallas_Marathon_Process.docHPDPS Planning Memo
2023_Dallas_Marathon_After_Action_Report.docx2023 Dallas Marathon AfterAction Report
Cost_Benefit_Analysis_DallasMarathon.pdfDallas Marathon CBA